Football Stadium Brick Sale
Proceeds support the RAM Victory Club
Mission Statement: The purpose of the Club shall be to facilitate capital improvements for athletic programs and facilities of the Holt Public Schools.
Click here to purchase and select a brick size.
Why buy a brick? The funds raised by the sale of these bricks will assist the Holt Public School District in providing Holt students with state-of-the-art athletic facilities. All proceeds from brick sales will be directly used to fund the enhancement and improvement of the Holt School District’s facilities.
What do you get? You get to play an important role in Holt Public School’s athletic history by buying a brick. These bricks, which come in two sizes, will be arranged and displayed in a patio area outside the Holt High School Football Building.
Each line of text is 14 characters including spaces. The smaller bricks ($50) are 3 lines of text. The larger bricks ($100) are 6 lines of text. On the larger bricks, you may* have the option of using 2 lines to accommodate the larger type).
Click here to purchase and select a brick size.
*Please make sure to email john@holtcommunity.org if you would like your brick to look a certain way. We typically send the text to the brick supplier and they create the bricks based on their templates. There is a lot of variability in how the bricks look from this supplier. Your brick may or may not look exactly as you expect it will, so it is important to communicate with us if you have a specific look you are going for. Thank you for your understanding.
If you’d like to pay by check, please complete this form and select “Offline Donation” then mail your check to Holt Community Foundation, 6419 Beecher Rd, Flint MI 48532, and mention that the donation is for a brick. Thanks!